The 7 grand father teachings!

Hi! Today am going to tell you abbot 7 grand father teachings. The 7  grand father teachings are are rules to follow that will make shire you have a good peaceful life. I belief they are all important to have a peaceful life.


Here are the 7 teaching in English and Anishinaabe!

 Debwewin (Truth) .

Zoongidi’ewin (Courage).

 Manaaji’idiwin (Respect).

Gwayakwaadiziwin (Integrity).

Zaagi’idiwin (Love).

 Nibwaakaawin (Wisdom) .

Dabasendizowin (Humility) .


Here are the symbols for all 7 grand father teachings!


Rock Cycle!

Hi! today I’m going to share with you my Rock Cycle blog with a cave with the rocks from the cycle. This science was self directed this mean I chose what I did and made my own learning goal. Here is a picture of my planning sheet!

What is the Rock Cycle!

When magma comes up from a volcano later when the magma  gets cooled by the air, it turns into igneous rock. Wind and other natural forces make igneous rock turn into very small rocks. When the little pieces of rock get washed away by water, all of the parts will form sedimentary rocks. Some of those sedimentary rocks get pushed down by the atomic plates and become metamorphic rocks. As metamorphic rocks get pushed down even deeper, it turns into magma which starts the whole cycle all over again.


Here is a video of me explaining wats in the cave I made!






I did not like planning my project or doing research but I did enjoy making my cave!

Public speaking reflection!

Hi! Today I’m going to show you my public speaking refection on why kids should have more resess!

What I found challenging and what I didn’t enjoy!

What I found challenging about public speaking was not saying it but I was nervous when I said my speech. I was nervous because I was stressed on how good I would do saying my speech. what I didn’t enjoy doing was the research of my speech. What was hard to search up was dose reses help kids focus when the come back to class. To me this was hard because there was so much information on one website . because of this it was hard to find the best fakes that I understood and that would make sense to the rest of my class .


What I found easy and what I did enjoy!


What I found easy was practicing my speech. This might be confusing because I said the most challenging thing I did was saying the speech. The thing is it was hard saying it in front of my class, but when I was practicing my speech it was easy because it was just me and one other person. What I enjoyed was choosing what my speech was about. To me this was fun because I got to choose any topic I wanted. But most importantly was I could do my topic about something I care about.


What I would do differently next time!


Next time I will work more on writing my speech and making it as good as it can be. I felt I practiced the delivery part just right and would do that again next time.