Coca cola bottle cap!!!!!!!!

Hi today I’m going to show you my persuasive righting  on why you should perches my  coca cola bottle cap!!!! { you cant actually perches my cap}


Do you have a coca cola bottle that you don’t know what to do with? Get a bubble blower bottle cap!!!!!! You should get this because it provides fun, it’s good for cleaning, and it’s a good price!! 


My first fact is that it provides fun! Bubble blowers are very enjoyable. It’s satisfying to pop, and it will make your kids want to go outside to have fun with this amazing cap. With this cap, you can blow two different sizes of bubbles, which will make double the fun.


My second outstanding fact is that this cap is good for cleaning! Do you want to clean and have fun at the same time?! If you do, get this cap! You can blow a bubble onto a wall, then add a bit of water, and presto you had fun and cleaned the wall! Stay clean and have fun.


My last amazing fact, that you’re all going to love is that it’s cheap!!!! Our bottle cap is only 50 cents! And if you buy three or more you will get one free!!! You have to admit that’s a good price!


You should get this cap because it’s the most fun in the world, you can clean and have fun, and last drumroll please, it’s cheeeeap! Thank you for listening about my amazing cap!!! You can buy this awesome cap at WWW.BUBBLE BLOWER BOTTLECAP.CA